
Sunday, February 12, 2012

OH YEAH! Level 85!

I just wanted to make a little post in honor of my beloved hunter, Frikky, who just made it to level 85! I started him as soon as Cata came out, but I am a slow leveler, I sit around and do professions, or talk to people or just don't level at all for long stretches of time. This makes him my third level 85! 

When he Leveled I was all like:

Here's a picture of Frikky farming around for the Time-Lost proto, after taming his new rare pet, thanks to Euphyley's Guide on her. I absolutely love her copper color. It matches wonderfully with the browns in my transmog set. Ick, I need a new polearm. Taming this pet was easy after I found her.


I'm gonna be all over the place with my transmogs now! I know it! As much as I love the steampunk look, I realllllllyyyy realllyyyyyy WISH...SO HARD. I could make him look along these lines:

How hot would that be? now THAT looks like a crazy ass hunter. 
I don't know where the hell I got this picture, so if anyone knows the source let me know so I can link it.

Alright, well. I'm so freakin' tired right now so I'm going to fall into a small coma.



  1. Grats Dreamy!! She looks just awesome with your hunter's transmog set! =D

    1. Thanks Euphy! :D Oh man I'm going to have so many x-mog sets for him, he's going to be a fashion model.

    2. You better have some fun pets lined up to go along with those sets!!!!

    3. But of course! I can't have the set without the pet!

  2. Grats! I've been playing what seems like for ever and only have one 85 :/ My druid is 77 though and I'm working on others too. Like you, I'm a slow leveler and get distracted by other things easily. That picture looks like something from Burning Man! If there ever is an apocalypse of any kind IRL I think I will be "farming" that outfit up myself, haha. Grats again and that wasps colors are very pretty indeed!

    1. Thanks Ruby! :) getting distracted while leveling has a fun upside as well. I get a lot of other stuff done that way. Other friends end up with alt 85's with no professions or pets or mounts, while mine work on all those things slowly as I move along. By the time I'm 85 I got it goin' ONNNNN. XD haha.

  3. I think you're Frikky and I like you a lot... at least that's what popped into my head when I saw your name. Weird looking band on Letterman the other night but the amount of times he repeated that line over the next few nights, I just had to include it here.

    You're new pet looks great. I always go for the rare hunter pets :P

    1. OooOoo. That's Die Antwoord. "I Fink you're Freaky" I love that song!

  4. Tell Frikky Grats! That is the absolute best looking hunter I've ever seen. I wish someone at Blizzard could see that image and come up with an appropriate outfit.

    1. Thanks! Yeah, I really wish they had outfits similar to that in game! More layers! more layers! Oh yes and details!

  5. Nice pet :)I have wasp but it's not as cool ad yours :P

    1. Oooh :) I love wasp pets. I have 3 wasps! haha. Which one do you have?

  6. Well, one of my hunter transmog post was featured on and my blog was blog of the week on Blog Azeroth :O
